Her base auto attack range is low in minigun stance, which makes her easier to harass. Highest win rate VS champion matchups. We also have Champions That Are Good . Descubra quais campeões são fortes contra Jinx e muito mais no ChampionCounter.
Early and late game counter picks, power spikes and other Challenger tips. How to beat Pyke as Jinx. Does Vayne counter Jinx ? Jinx beats her in lane and scales almost as well as her. We provide you the best items to use and detailed matchup stats to win your LoL matchup. Jynx Raid Counter Guide.
Build guides for Jinx on ProGuides. Her kit is designed to keep her at a safe distance until she . Discover LoL champion statistics for Jinx. Pair him up with something like Thresh, Lulu, Leona maybe. Basically anything bursty or that can exchange blows. Itens com Redução de Velocidade de Ataque são . Corki makes sense, since he counters Twitch so hard too.
Jinx counters (over win rate). Riot introduced four new Hextech champions to Teamfight Tactics yesterday. Here are some tips and Hextech counters to help you keep . Jinx puts the “hyper” in hyper-carry and the “glass” in glass cannon.
It differs from an anti- jinx in that an anti- jinx is intended to prevent those effects rather than. Jhin vs Jinx Jinx , 57. Alguns dizem que ela é uma counter da Ashe, mas não considero, ainda acho que a . Não existem informações disponíveis para esta página. In this article, you learn tips and tricks on how to play some of the best Jinx. Counters include who Jinx ADC is Strong or Weak Against.
Runes and Items Guide . Welcome to the METAsrc Jinx ADC build guide. League of Legends Season 9. Find out who to counter pick during champion select based on cold hard stats so. So me and my friend started maining bot and I really would like great names for ADC Mains.
My bot lane was jinx and brand vs the turret duo and we got stomped. Find Heimerdinger counters based on role and lane stats including win , KDA, first . At the end of the day,. As for builds That one.
So while we can see that Lucian, Caitlyn, Jinx , and Sivir are the top picked.
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