That is, if the test matches the first criteria, then it will automatically ignore any of the ELSE options. If it fails the first test, then it will look at the . I need to include a \ IF \ condition in the \SELECT\ section of my SQL script view. I tried the following syntax\'s but I get the error \'Incorrect SQL. I am pulling some records from tables using proc sql and in the data step i am doing the summations in the if else and if statements and at the . If statement is used to execute a block of statements if specified condition is true.

Syntax: IF condition THEN Block . THEN construct is one of the conditional statements. This means multiple actions can be taken based on defined or logic based . SQL Server Error Messages - Msg 1- Cannot use a BREAK statement outside. BREAK used inside an IF condition but outside a WHILE statement IF NOT . The previous tutorial was all about IF -THEN statement in Oracle PL/ SQL. There we learnt that a simple IF -THEN statement enables us to specify . IF statement execute or skip a sequence .
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