It has to do with the Normal Form for the SQL language. IF statements can, by definition, only take a single SQL statement. Otherwise, the statement_block is . In other words, if statements are sentences, the BEGIN. END statement allows you to define paragraphs.
The following illustrates the syntax of the BEGIN. The Transact- SQL statement that follows an IF keyword and its. If the Boolean_expression contains a SELECT statement, the SELECT. END block, certain Transact- SQL statements should not be grouped . A statement block is a series of SQL statements that run together.
Column_ Column_ etc. END within an SQL statement? Learn more on the SQLServerCentral forums. The IF -THEN statement allows you to execute a set of SQL statements based on a. An END IF clause is required to indicate the end of the statement.

THEN logic in SQL Server, which allows users to execute programmatic logic on. If the condition evaluates to false , the control is passed to the next statement after the END IF part. This section describes the SQL -compliant conditional expressions available in. If the boolean condition returns TRUE then statements within . WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.
Found more than one string! Learn how to store SQL functions in your CARTO database. FROM Product LEFT JOIN. SQL Server Else If will execute the statements in sequential order.
Terminates a block initiated by BEGIN. ELSE CAST(price AS CHAR(20)). The standard SQL CASE expression has two forms. END IF block, like all other flow-control blocks used within stored programs, must be . Note that the SQL needs to end with semi-colon if you have multiple queries in . END IF SQL also fails to support the looping operations in programming languages that permit the execution of repetitive actions typically encountered in a . WHEN when_expression_THEN result_2.
SQLite CASE expression to form conditional logic inside a SQL query. PUT_LINE(Chr( nLetterCode));. IF iNumber = nNumber Then. The SQL End selection command is used to determine if the boundaries of the. This code will return in the 4D vName variable the emp . Liquibase includes support for “plain SQL ” changelog files.
Delimiter, Delimiter to apply to the end of the statement. If set to false and an error occurs part way through running a changeSet containing multiple .
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